Happy Thursday to all! I can't believe Easter is only 3 days away! I am so excited to get to go to our church's Easter service at the pond this year. We have been out of town for the last 2 years and haven't been able to attend. And this year, we get to bring our own little bunny!
Outfit was sent to us by Keenan's aunt and uncle-- its so cute! Here are some fun pics I took real quick this morning!
Look at these darling bunny feet!!!!
And there is even a cute bunny tail on the back! I love it!
Love the outfit and its just perfect timing!
Its only 4 days until we dare to go on a long journey with out 2 month old- ahhh! I am trying to make some lists to make sure I bring everything we need. I know we will forget things, but they have stores down there too! We are excited for some of Keenan's extended family to get to meet and spend some time with Emilly Anne. We will be staying with his mom and dad and getting to see his aunt, uncle and grandma! I can't wait for them to meet/see her!
So, sometimes I am hesitant to write about sleep on here. I feel like if I write how well its going it might stop- ha! But, it really just goes back and forth. Overall- its been wonderful! Having a bedtime routine has been great!! We give her a bath, wrap her all up, I feed her and then we put her in the bed awake. She generally moves for about 10-15 minutes and then is out. For night sleep, she generally wakes up once and I feed her (anywhere from 2-3am) and then I get up and feed her around 6:30am. I put her back to bed at this time since its still dark out and she will "talk"/move around for a bit but fall back to sleep and we get up for the day around 8 or 8:30. Sometimes, though, we put her to bed and she falls asleep around 9pm and she sleeps until 6:30am. Mommy LOVES that!!
Napping seems to be going better. Writing down the schedule has been great! I put her down for her nap awake and she hardly cries anymore- seriously! Its so great. This morning, as I was taking her up, she was yawning and I think she fell asleep in about 2 minutes! Learning her sleep cues has been really helpful. As I see them, I make a mental note of how much waketime she has had and then I can use that info for the other cycles. Her naps are stretching out a bit. That would be nice because then she could maybe just take 3 naps (maybe one extra short one) for the day and right now she takes 4-5 (depending on our wake up time that morning). She is occasionally making it through the transition and sleeping longer- so I know its coming. I am just so pumped that I can put her down and her fall asleep. Just 2 weeks ago, I was still holding her for most naps and as least rocking her to sleep and she spent lots of afternoons cranky and fussy. She is SO much less fussy letting her sleep on her own. I guess she really does get better sleep like that! Ok- enough about naps. Not as long as they could be- but I am super thrilled with where we are.
I am trying to stay at home as much as I can while we work on her schedule but sometimes I just need to get out. Today I really need to go to Target and we are going to Westminster for a soccer tailgate later. I also want to go on a walk but that would pretty much take up all day!!! And I need to get lots of wash done and start getting things ready for Florida!
Pretty sure she had a mini-squeal today. That was exciting!!
Got my cloth diapers yesterday and now I am practicing washing them the way I will (yes, it is way more difficult than you would think!). I know once I start doing it a lot, it will all make sense but just reading directions is so confusing! Ha! Now I am just waiting on another bathing suit and Easter dress I ordered for EA. Hoping it will come today, but it might come tomorrow as well!
I need to get some pics of my jogging stroller in action. IT IS INCREDIBLE!!! Can't believe how smooth it is and I LOVE the speakers! Yesterday, Amelia and I went on a walk and I did an extra little loop so I turned up my Pandora and its was so nice!
Ok, thats all for now!!!