Sarah is cancer free!!! Not much more to say about that. If you're wanting more information about the cancer Sarah had and the treatment she went through, then check out Otherwise, I don't intend on giving cancer the time of day on this blog. Been there, done that. We're moving on folks. To those of you who are joining us from the caringbridge blog following I must say that I'm thrilled to be sharing with you stories from our life that don't include doctors, chemotherapy, and the side effects of prescription medication. Ok, enough of that.

Today is Sarah's last day of Radiation Therapy! We intend on celebrating with a couple of friends tonight over dinner. Low key, yes, but don't you worry. There will be a huge blow-out bash to celebrate Sarah as a survivor once she recovers her strength enough to celebrate properly. More to come on that in a month or so.

What's great about insurance deductibles is that you will eventually meet them. Considering that the cost of a single chemotherapy treatment is around $17,000, we met ours within the first week of the new year! The result: cheap & free medical care for the remainder of 2010. I went to the doctor this morning to get a check up. I know there's nothing wrong with me, but why not get a check-up??? It only cost a simple co-pay to learn that I DON'T have cancer. Never too young to start checking. They asked if I wanted to get blood work done. I asked how much it cost. They said nothing, insurance will cover it. They won't even charge a co-pay for it. My response? I said I thought I should get blood work done. We're going to get our eyes examined next month.

Now that I've gone back on my word and blogged about doctors and chemotherapy, I'll go ahead and write a bit on side effects. I considered taking some aspirin this morning for a muscle ache. Then read the label on the bottle. The side effects can range anywhere from headaches and nausea to hearing loss and confusion! Hearing loss!?! How does that even apply to muscle pain? And confusion??? I'm already confused trying to understand these symptoms! Ibuprofen even lists diarrhea AND constipation as side effects. On second thought, I might just eat a banana and deal with my sore muscles to avoid the hassle. How do they expect me to understand Health Care Reform if I can't even understand the medicine in my cabinet?

There, now I've written about everything I said I wasn't going to write about. Seriously, though, Sarah and I are thrilled that she is finished with cancer, and we are excited to be embarking on day 1 of our post-cancer life together. We hope this blog enables you to be more involved in our life. We love you and look forward to sharing more in the days to come. God bless!

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    Aimee said...

    Hi guys! Soooo happy we are cancer free!!! I love you both and am glad ya'll jumped on the train and got a blog. My blog is

  1. ... on June 9, 2010 at 2:07 PM