I know people always say that time flies and to enjoy this time we have right now because she will never be this little again.  Its SO true.  I cannot believe that she has been here for 3 months.  On one hand, it feels like she just got here and on the other hand, it is hard to think of life without her!  I don't have tons of time right now (its precious nap time and I have SO much to get done!) but I wanted to do a quick update post!

Baby girl is 3 months old!  Tomorrow she will be 13 weeks....ahhhh!!!  I think she starts doing something new every day too!  She is really starting to suck on her hands/fingers.  She hasn't started just the thumb yet but I bet its coming!  She also brings anything else that is soft to her mouth to try to suck on it.  She hasn't really starting bringing anything hard yet because she still doesn't hold on to it long enough.

She has also started to squeal from delight some.  There isn't anything specific I or Keenan do to make it happen, it just does sometime.  She also had her first laugh a little over a week ago and Evan and Christy's wedding.  It was such a perfect little sound!  Since then, I think she has laughed two more times.  Again, nothing specific brining it on but I can't wait until we can do something to get her to laugh--- so fun!

She is VERY observant.  Its so funny that some of her personality already shows!  It we are in a new place or with a lot of new people, she has to be held by me or Keen and she likes to just look around.  She doesn't want to be played with or anything, just hang out and watch!

Sleep at night is still good!  Last night was wonderful- I feed her once during the night and other than that, she was in bed from 8-7:30!  Yeah!  The few days before that were her 3 month growth spurt and boy was that a doozie.  I was up at least 2-3 times each night.  I thought about how I did that during her newborn days and I don't know how I did it!  Now that I have gotten some sleep at night, its so hard to go back.  Luckily, I think the growth spurt is over so hopefully our sleep will go back to normal!

She still only naps about 30 minutes-- not able to get through that first sleep cycle when she wakes at the end of it.  Sometimes, she will wake up, cry for a few minutes and go back to sleep though, so there is hope!!  She can only stay up for about 1 hour 15 minutes or 1 hour 30 minutes max.  Then, its super fussy baby!!!

3 months is a really fun age.  We are able to entertain her.  I was even at the doctor's office a few days ago with her for 2 hours.  Yes, 2 hours of waiting with a baby!  And, it was during her naptime.  Yikes!  I was able for the most part to keep her distracted without too much crying and she eventually fell asleep.  That so would not have happened two months ago!

Ok, thats about all the time I have.  I hope to get some 3 month pics done soon but here is a pic we took yesterday when we went to go visit Keen at school:

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