I seriously cannot believe our sweet girl is 5 months old.  Where has the time gone???  In one month, she will be half a year old, ahhhh!!!!  So much has happened this past month.  Keen and I got off from school for the summer so we have enjoyed our time here with her.  Keen has still had basketball practice and has been doing some work up at school so he has kept pretty busy still!

Baby girl has learned to roll over and while she was already rolling from tummy to back, she seems to have forgotten that she knows that so she gets stuck on her tummy now!  We have been giving her LOTS of practice during her wake time, though, so she hasn't been having 4am rolling sessions anymore, yeah!  She also enjoys tummy time a lot more now so she doesn't really try to roll back over.  Naps have also started getting better!

She is, however, having 4am talking sessions!  She wakes up and talks (loudly) for about an hour before she goes back to sleep.  Doesn't cry, just experimenting with sounds and her hands in her mouth.  It is super cute, until it happens, like, 14 days in a row.  Yeah.  Little tired here!  And I can't really get her to practice it during wake time like I can the rolling!  Oh well, this too shall pass.  And will be replaced by her newest discovery!

She is SO CLOSE to sitting up on her own.  She occasionally can go a few seconds but then she starts to tip a bit.  She can lean forward with her hands on her legs or on the ground and sit up for longer.  She also can be leaned back, like sitting against me, and sit herself up.  I just have to be ready because she cannot control her momentum yet!  So she ends up toppling over.

Big things:
-Really found her feet.  She loves them.  She is very close to getting a toe in her mouth too!  Ha!
-EVERYTHING goes in her mouth and she is chewing it, not just sucking it.
-We think she may be showing early signs of teething.  Not expecting to see any cutie teeth yet, but we are seeing signs!
-Rolling around.  Cannot get her to stay on her back much these days!
-She is using her feet to kick things.  Its so cute to watch.
-She notices Boone now.  I thought he would be more interested in her but he's not!  She tries to pet him but any of you who know Boone, he comes around like her really wants to be petted but the moment you reach out, he moves!!!  She will probs be following him around soon.
-Speaking of moving, she is not moving yet, but man she wants to be moving!!!  She will stare at something (like a toy on the other side of the quilt) and try to roll that way.  Or she will move her feet and hips trying to get there but she hasn't figured all of that out yet and how to coordinate it.  I know its still a ways away but she already gets a bit frustrated when she can't get somewhere.
-We took our first trip to Cartersville this month.  That was so fun.  Got to see our neighbors, friends and go to church.  EA did wonderful there.  Even had good naps, yeah!

Here are some pics because I am out of time.  Hopefully I can write another post soon!!!

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